The cost for certification of elevators
Читать эту страницу на русском языке: Расценки на сертификацию лифтов
- One model of passenger or freight elevator – from 500,000 rubles
- One model of a small freight elevator – from 350,000 rubles
- Each subsequent elevator model — 420 000 rubles (for serial production)
- For a one—time manufactured batch or a single product (one-time manufacture) - 350,000 rubles
The cost of certification in serial manufacturing (scheme 1C) does not include travel expenses of two experts (from certification Body and Testing center), including flights, accommodation and subsistence costs.
Each elevator type passes certification tests with participation of specialists of the accredited Testing center on testing tower at manufacturer’s place or exploitation place according to the agreed program.
The final price will be agreed separately with the applicant before signing the Contract.
Читать эту страницу на русском языке: Расценки на сертификацию лифтов