Description of rights and obligations related to the implementation work on conformity for the applicants
Читать эту страницу на русском языке: Описание прав и обязанностей заявителей, связанных с осуществлением работ по подтверждению соответствия
1. Applicant is entitled to:
- choose the scheme of conformity provided for elevators and elevator safety devices of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union TP TC 011/2011 "Safety of elevators"
- access for realization of obligatory certification in any certification body, the area of accreditation of which applies to products which the applicant intends to certify
- apply to the accreditation body with complaints of misconduct of certification bodies and accredited test laboratories (centers) in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation
2. Applicant must:
- to provide product conformity with requirements of technical regulations
- to produce the products, subject to mandatory conformity, only after such conformity
- to specify information on the certificate of conformity in the accompanying documentation
- to present in the bodies of state control (supervision) over observance of technical regulations, as well as concerned persons, documents indicating confirmation of conformity with technical regulations (certificates of conformity and their copies)
- to suspend or terminate production realization, if the validity of the certificate of conformity has expired, or the certificate of conformity is suspended or terminated
- to notify the certification body on the changes made to the technical documentation or production processes of certified products
- to suspend manufacture of products, which have passed the compliance and does not comply with the technical regulations, on the basis of decisions of state control (supervision) over observance of technical regulations
Читать эту страницу на русском языке: Описание прав и обязанностей заявителей, связанных с осуществлением работ по подтверждению соответствия